Marie Nilsson, industrial designer


Senior Industrial Designer MFA

Mechanical Engineer

Founder of Öresund Strategy & Design

"I have always designed stuff!"

From lego houses, sand cakes and finger paintings... to ergonomic industrial vacuum cleaners, conceptual electricity system, smart waste handling, new thinking power tools, genuine chairs, practical packaging, challenging workout concepts, methodology for sustainable design and much more ...

Marie Nilsson, young designer

I am industrial designer with master degree from Lund University, Sweden. As engineer and industrial designer, I have +20 years experience from different roles in market driven product development of B2B products, ranging from smaller local to major international companies and own consultancy. 

My work extend over a wide area; industrial design, design management, strategic product portfolio management, strategic concept design, innovation management, sustainable design, process development, design policies, branding and more.

I am founder of Öresund Strategy & Design AB, which is a strategic design consultancy. We help our customers to create sustainable strategies and transfer them into attractive, value-adding and competitive products and services. Since March 2018, I work full time with developing the company and the business, together with executing customer assignments.


My breath of life is to create and build. I want to work creatively, preferably on conceptual and visionary level. It is also important for me to create solutions that are sustainable from an ecological, economic and social perspective. I want to put the user in the center and add true value. I feel I am really contributing to something when I manage to engage, enthuse and create insights in strategy, creativity and sustainability.


I am creative, visionary and find it easy to see connections and think in new ways. I also have a good holistic view and the ability to handle complex contexts. In my daily work, I am structured and focused.


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Marie's creativity is very great, as well as her ability to document and convey information in written, visual and oral form. Marie has a strategic mindset and great business understanding.

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from former manager


Marie possesses a very high potential, both qualitatively and quantitatively. She settles easily into new issues and has a very structured approach. She is energetic and driving, is self-sufficient and has great problem-solving ability.

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from former manager


Marie is very creative and knowledgeable. Together with her design based approach, this has resulted in good and valuable results, often at higher level and quality than expected.

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from former manager


Marie has shown great technical knowledge, good ability to lead an organization of 8-16 persons and to deliver the projects on time. The work has been successful as all new projects have created growth for the company.

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from former manager